Friday, February 20, 2009

More body talk.

Note: I'll probably post more of this later, as it gets posted, because I think it's something all girls need to read. But here's what's been posted up to now, excluding what I posted last night. :)
Also, the grammatical and spelling errors made in these comments were not done by me...I just copied and pasted.

Wendy, Wendy, Wendy and of all my other beautiful Creek girls!
Stop feeling this pressure to be prettier/skinner/better. One of the biggest things I've learned in college, becoming an actor and finding out who I truly am is that I AM ENOUGH. My weight, my eyes, my hair, my teeth, my nose, my legs, my butt all make me ME. I understand the hype about boys in high school wanting us/you to be better looking. What the hell is better looking anyway? I say stop the negativity and trying to define yourself as "better" when "better" is a matter of opinion. Girls, there are too many important things in life to be worried about what you look like. Besides, I am in one the most looks-conscious professions, and I've been told that although I'm a "product," it's more about how I feel. Stop worrying about what you look like, and start embracing how you feel. You are enough! You are the most powerful women of this time. Educate yourselves, and all of the "flaws" you overanalyze will dissolve.
One more thing. Love the you you are, and you'll find a guy (or a girl) that will love you just as much. It happened for me, I guarentee it will happen for you.
Jack: i think girls should honestly not worry about their weight, wen i see girls that go to worlds end to be skinny its a turn off because 1) humans are naturally attracted to curves and 2) it brings to light the fact that they have low self esteem and i find confident, intelligent girls more attractive than fake girls who can achieve model figure. as for teeth, on a professional standpoint i think everybody should have braces just so they wont feel held back to smile. plastic surgury defidently isnt necessary unless someone comes out of a car crash or something. in the end, the most attractive girl in my mind is somebody who is smart and funny that i can have a good conversation with
thank you wendy this was very impacting as to wat kids at creek go through to achieve acceptance of their peers. this kind of emotional expression is good for humans
Mary: That it does not matter how any one looks on the outside only on the inside. i mean i have small boobs, but i really dont want bigger ones. i have a few teeth that are not straight but im ok with that. however it is hard with weight with all the "pretty" girls we go to school with. if im looking for a guy its not how they look at all its how they treat people and what their personality is like. even if the hottist guy asked me out if he was a jerk i would say no. i really like that you shared that i think that it is really important that we don't get cought up in superficial things.
Okay, so, when I was in the eighth grade, I was incredibly thin. I was the same height I am now, but I only weighed 82 pounds...which means I was roughly 20 pounds less than I was supposed to be at to be "healthy" - according to, I dunno, society or whatever. I never really thought about it as an issue, though, because I had always just been like that. But by eighth grade, of course, a lot of the girls were starting to get curves. And here I was, still this stick to them. And people started calling me anorexic, and making comments about how I had no waist, or no hips, or no butt, or no boobs.
And so now something I had never considered to even be IMPORTANT before suddenly became something that was tearing me apart. I was unbelievably aware of my body, and found myself wondering what everyone was thinking about my appearance. And now I was thinking far too much about my own appearance because I was so conscious of what all the other people thought. So here I was saying to myself, “how come I’m not built the way she is?”, and “how come my skin isn’t as clear as hers?” and it was endless. I so I got consumed with that, and I wanted those curves already like everyone thought I needed to have. I started trying to gain weight. I just wanted to be what people thought I SHOULD be. And I literally started making myself sick trying to put on those pounds.

But it wasn’t making ME happy. Clearly! I mean, making yourself get sick trying to be a portrayal of something you’re not even sure you want? That wouldn’t make anyone happy. And anyway, God definitely didn’t want me hurting myself like that – not when He already had a perfect image for me in mind. I’d get there. He’d see to that.

So I let go of that obsession. I entered high school and appearance was important to a lot of people – and it was still a factor for me, there’s no denying that – but it was not NEARLY as important as all the things I let myself be involved it. I got my passion together, and I delved into music and writing and clubs, and surrounded myself with people who were more interest in who I WAS rather than what I was, aesthetically.

And I found me. I found who I was. And it had nothing to do with what I looked like. And it had EVERYTHING to do with the person, the personality – the stuff that made me ME.

Now in college, I know exactly who I am, and who I want to be. I am everything I’m supposed to be. I’m everything I NEED to be. I’m enough!

It took me a while to get there, but now that I am, it sort of feels like all the crap I had to go through to get to this place made me better:)
Here’s something that was amazing for this: Last week in my philosophy class, we were discussing this topic. And we were talking about how we know what we are. The topic of mirrors came up. My professor said the most profound thing.

He said this: “I look around, and I see so much talent and promise. Remember this. You are more than a reflection in a mirror. You are BIGGER than your body.”
Patrick: I personally think plastic sugery is stupid, and breast sizes shouldn't ever be changed... of course it's attractive for a girl to at least have boobs, but i also think they can be too big. but more than that, any girl who is so insecure about her appearance that she would go change her boob size has more problems that just her "small boobs"

honestly i could like someone who was a bit chubby, but someone who was "fat" i dunno... as for me, i couldn't stand myself being fat
I suppose this is really bad to hear from a man, but i'll admit that i do often eat very, very little to keep myself from feeling fat. For me it's more like i go through stages where i eat absolutely nothing for as long as i can take it and then eat as much as i need to keep myself alive and run that process for a few weeks. It seems like i do this because i really don't wwnat to gain weight. I'm underweight as is, but something about gainging anymore weight makes me feel like a failure.

for me the most important physical trait is the eyes, i feel like you can learn more from someones eyes in a minute than you can from their words in a month.
and sometimes they're just beautiful to look at.
Hair is something i take a small amount of time on personally, but for the girls who may spend tuns of time trying to fix their hair... it isn't necessary. sure maybe you'll look a little cuter that day or something but you're not gonna be ugly because you didn't straighten your hair.
i also believe that whatever is natural is the best, because that shows the girl is confident with who SHE is and won't put soo much time and energy in to becoming someone she really isn't.

I also admit that i am first attracted to someone by almost strictly physical means. if i get to know them and they're cool that's when i start getting attracted to the personality. The personality traits i really like are intelligence, spontaneity, someone who can hold an interesting and stimulating conversation, but who can also have have fun with me doing stuff we both enjoy. and musicians automatically add about % points to the personality stuff.
Lauryn: Hey Wendy! I didnt get a chance 2 read ALL the comments but I just wanna say, you are a REALLY good writer!! truely it is amazing how you can write in a way that relates to everyone! Not just girls! I wated to add something to the whole locker room thing and swimming. So I have noticed girls changing behind towles, going into stalls, afraid of the other girls on the team to see them naked. I tink its sad. I was always told "if u see something u havent seen before shoot it." I mean what are they hiding?/ THeir but? Their boobs?? I mean WE ALL have that! I hope this does not sound odd.... I mean its just weird. In the play girls are flaunting everythingin the dressing room! Maybe its because theater kids are weird and can be them selves, but I mean SWIMMERS!! Come on!! we are all wearing swim suits and have hairy legs. Now I am all for the whole modesty thing. Believe me! But girls (and maybe guys idk if this applies to them) should not try to hide who they are especially amungst other members of the same gender. And there TEAM MATES! Wendy u know I am a christian and in the Bible God created Adam and Eve and they were NAKED!!! God ment for us to be at ease with our bodies. When the whole fruit thing happned Adam and Eve hid because they realized they were naked. I hope this is making some sence..... Now I am NOT saying get rid of clothes, lets all become nudist. But as a team, as friends, as fellow girls we should not be afraid to change in front of our friends in the locker room. Did that make any sence @ all?? let me know if I did...
Laurel: Well...I have small boobs and am very proud of them lol seriously being a dancer I wouldn't want it either way. If a boy is going to be egotistical enough to center his attractions around breats then he needs a body smack. I never wear make up. I hate it. My friends always tell me to wear it cuz I look pretty but that frustrates me soooo much cuz I don't feel like I'm laurel with my face painted up like a clown. As a dancer, I spend my whole day looking at my reflection trying to perfect my body positions how I stand where my placement is...etc. What I have acknowledged is that sometimes the awkward movement looks the best and makes you feel more human. Sometimes ugly is the more visually accepting. Does that make sense?
Lauryn: Well Wendy I think its true... I wear make up. I think its because I like to bring out my eyes. I know I look fine without it on, yet I LOVE mascara... I think I like make up because I only discovered it like a year ago. But I can see what Laurel means about not feeling like her self in make up. And what you say about putting on a mask and where beauty fits into society... It kinda makes me feel guilty about wearing it. And now I am totaly changing the subject. I am gonna comment about your rant on what physically do you look for. For me its eyes, same as you. Eyes tell everything, kinda, the sort-of insight to the soul. You can tell alot about a person just by reading into their eyes.