Saturday, November 22, 2008

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.

So I think I finally figured out the appeal of the Twilight series: every girl is looking for that one person out there, and when the going gets tough like it often does with teenagers, Edward Cullen is their light at the end of the tunnel.

Though he's merely fictional, the idea of a perfect boy falling in love with a flawed girl is what we all want. We see ourselves as imperfect and not beautiful. We hang on to the shred of hope that maybe the perfect guy would fall for us, with all of ou imperfections. And that's why everyone loves Twilight. Most girls will say because of Edward's gorgeousness, and that's absolutely correct. They want to have someone who they find that beautiful fall in love with them, even if they don't consiously realize it.

That's my two cents. Just an idea. Goodnight.