Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Little house.

There is this house on my block that I always knew was there but didn't pay much attention to it. I was walking by it the other day and totally fell in love with it. It's not the prettiest house and it's in the middle of suburbia. It's really grown over with plants and there's a thick hedge in front of it. I've never seen anyone go in or out of that house, but I know people have to live there because of the fact that there's furniture inside. That part I noticed before. But the other day, I noticed there were some thick books in the window. Which caused me to think, hmm, what kind of person lives there? A lonely, heartbroken old poet? A doctor who discovered some kind of dangerous scientific secret? Or maybe a young boy, detatched from the world, hiding some kind of hideous deformity? Alright, so maybe I've read The Secret Garden way too many times. My imagination runs away with me sometimes. Anyway, so I'm walking past, thinking about who might live there, and I see this great stone arch at the side of the house leading into a backyard. There were gargoyles carved into the arch, and the yard beyond looked just as green and grassy as the front of the house. I didn't go any farther because I didn't want to trespass, but I think once the weather gets warm I'm going to get Lia and we're going to go look together, just to see what could possibly be back there. It's just fascinating, idk how to explain it. It's the inspiration for the novel I plan on starting to write soon...but I won't reveal the plot because I don't want you to steal it =D hopefully I can start once the weather gets warm. It's gonna be a good one.

Oh, and Kaela is talking to me again. I don't know if I am totally rejecting the whole prima donna thing now, because I think she still is, but I still love her all the same, even if things are a little awkward now. The fact that she was too lazy to respond to my apology message kind of ticks me off a little.

Anyway, night.