Saturday, April 4, 2009

Single File show last night.

It was awesome. Wow. Best show I've been to in a long time.
Moriah and I showed up at about 5:45 because traffic sucked, and met up with Brittany. We hung out until the box office opened at about 6:40 and doors opened at 7.

The Frequent Sea - Nerf from my favorite radio station's band. Ehh. I couldn't tell if I liked them because their singer was really ugly and kept putting his crotch in Brittany's face lol.
Set Forth - I really liked them, they have that awesome piano rock sound. Their set was thoroughly enjoyable and they sounded great live. There were some drunks right next to me during their set though, which was lame.
The Epilogues - The center mic wasn't quite loud enough I don't think, because I couldn't hear him or the lyrics all too well. Then again, they weren't quite as soft sounding as Set Forth, so maybe I didn't have the right expectations. But I liked them. There was a girl with big boobs and a low cut shirt, totally wasted, dancing nearby and I swore her boobs were about to pop out and we'd all be eyewitnesses.
Single File - Awesome. I danced until my feet hurt and was dizzy. The barricade fell over on me haha. Those boys always know how to make my night, I can't explain it. They sound amazing live and they're very personable on stage. It was just amazing.

Single File had a new bassist just to fill in the sound when they play shows, this guy named Jason. Jason's best friend from California was in the front with us, taking pictures. He was so drunk oh my goodness hahaha. He's talking about how he gets drunk faster here than in California becuase of the altitude haha. He also told me that Jason's jeans were given to him by his ex girlfriend Katie, and it's one of the three pairs he owns. I found that funny. He was such a funny guy and his face when he turned around to face the crowd was like that of a kid's on christmas morning. A photographer on the other side of him gave him a number for rehab lmao.

I made some cool new friends and discovered some cool new music. It was awesome.