Friday, January 16, 2009


Something is going on. I just got a call from Ksenia about 25 minutes ago. Here's what happened...

Sasha (Ksenia's younger sister, who is my age) saw Jenna and this kid Javier holding hands at the path the other day. She told John, and he was like whatever. Then he brought it up to Jenna and she freaked. She freaked far more than he did. She said that her and Javier are just good friends, and that's the kind of thing she'd do, hold hands with a good friend.
So today, Ksenia was at the path and was talking to this one girl about raves. Jenna comes up and says that she's going to a rave next week. Glo 4. Anyway, they introduce themselves by their rave names and such. Ksenia says, "you're going out with my friend John." Jenna just looks at her and was like, "No we aren't."

Gahhh she's fucking him over. And this is the first relationship he's been in in a long time, and he's really crazy about her. I could tell -- yesterday during 3rd period he seemed really quiet and sad. I asked him if he was okay, and he told me he was just thinking. I know he's upset about their argument. The thing is, he doesn't know about what happened at the path today. Ksenia and I feel the need to tell him, and we're probably going to take him aside 3rd period sometime next week. Lia says I should talk to Jenna but ehh I don't think I will. I don't want to cause more drama. I don't want to talk to her unless I need to, which may end up happening, but for now I'm keeping my distance.

I knew this was giong to happen. A few weeks ago I was texting Ksenia about their relationship, about how slutty she seemed and how I knew this wasn't going to end up very well and I was concerned. Ksenia told me that she didn't think so. She said that even if they don't last very long, he'll come out of it happier.

I don't think he will.

It's hard seeing a girl fuck over the guy you like. But mostly, my angry reaction isn't because of my romantic attraction to him. It's because we're friends, we have to look out for each other. And I will always look out for him, no matter what.

"I am the friend who is always there with open arms and an open heart, ready to dry your eyes with my hair if needed." The only bit of that piece that I wrote the other day that still holds true.

Gonna go write some more, I think.