Thursday, May 14, 2009


I haven't really blogged in a while. No idea why, I've just been lazy.

GEEK ALERT! GEEK ALERT! So we've just finished reading Jane Eyre in English. The final book of the year. I can't believe it. I think it was an awesome book with so much mystery and suspense I almost couldn't stand it. I recommend it. Also, while being a nerd, I wrote a poem about it.

The Burning at Thornfield Hall

Edward Rochester sits high
Upon his mighty throne
Badly bruised and thick in brow
Heart as hard as stone.
Then one day a scraggled wanderer
Came and stood at his feet,
Questioned his coded vanity
And accused his pompous seat.
Her raised her on a pedestal,
So they could see eye-to-eye
But when he pushed her down, she stole his crown
And poor Rochester began to cry.

Also, today was the senior's last full day. I'm going to miss them so much. When I walked up to the hill after English today and saw everyone there, I got kind of teary eyed. John came up to me and said "this isn't goodbye, this is just a see you later" and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. (about that--I've relapsed a little but it's getting better. But in all honesty, I don't want it to get better anymore. I'm happy the way I am, and the way we are. It's a friendship now, but still a little more. He's no longer the source of my tears, which is a wonderful feeling). Graduation is a week from today--I'm so nervous/scared/excited/djshgfkjsdh/etc. It's going to be so weird seeing my friends, including John, walk up onstage in their caps and gowns and receive their diplomas. To see them all head off to college in pursuit of their lives, forgetting about me, their friend they left behind in high school.

Anyway, that's all for now. Laterrr